Past Campaigns
10+ 1 years of Let's Do It! Cyprus
Let's do it! Cyprus successfully participated for the first time in this global campaign in 2012 with about 4000 volunteers. In 2014 and 2015 it was characterized as the biggest environmental campaign that took place in Cyprus to date. Despite the campaigns it runs twice a year, Let's Do It! Cyprus is open throughout the year with all participants (schools, companies, organizations and informal groups) able to participate at their own time and location of choice. So far, Let's Do It! Cyprus counts more then 250,000 volunteers with millions of litres of trash collected and processed throughout the island.
2014 – April 6 – 1 day – 10000 volunteers
2015 – April 26 – 1 day - 9500 volunteers
2016 – April 10 - 15074 volunteers
2017- April 2 - 35516 volunteers
2018- April 29 - 46,000 volunteers (with additional alternative actions) > ranking Cyprus in the 6th place among 120 countries that achieved the voluntary participation of 5% of the country's population in this action.
2019 – April 7 - 49560 volunteers (a number corresponding to 5.9% of the population)
2020- October 26 -.12,00 volunteers decided to clean the island with an emphasis on individual responsibility and personal duty, in the midst of a global pandemic. Cyprus was one of the few countries that did not cancel their clean-ups.
2021- October 25- 18,000 Volunteers continued to display individual responsibility and personal duty, adhering to all safety protocols.
2022- October 24- 18,300 Volunteers with an increase in participation in Schools
2023- October 23 – 27,307 Volunteers